R Translation Team



edited by Chel Hee Lee <chl948@mail.usask.ca>

R Messages

base distribution recommended
base base, R-base, RGui KernSmooth R-KernSmooth
compiler R-compiler MASS R-MASS
graphics graphics, R-graphics Matrix R-Matrix, Matrix
grDevices grDevices, R-grDevices boot R-boot
grid grid, R-grid class R-class
methods methods, R-methods cluster R-cluster, cluster
parallel parallel, R-parallel codetools Not Available
splines splines, R-splines foreign R-foreign, foreign
stats stats, R-stats lattice R-lattice
stats4 R-stats4 mgcv R-mgcv, mgcv
tcltk tcltk, R-tcltk nlme R-nlme, nlme
tools tools, R-tools nnet R-nnet
utils utils, R-utils rpart R-part, part
spatial R-spatial
survival Not Available

R Manuals

Introduction to R [English] [Korean] [English/Korean] .......... completion: 99%, The review process is underway now!
R FAQ [English] [Korean] [English/Korean] .......... completion: 90%, The review process is just started!
R Installation and Administration [English] [Korean] [English/Korean] .......... completion: 90%, (updating)
R Windows FAQ [English] [Korean] [English/Korean] .......... completion: 70%, the initial translation is still underway.
Writing R Extensions [English] [Korean] [English/Korean] .......... 10% in progress
The R language definition [English] [Korean] [English/Korean] .......... 5% in progres
R Internals [English] [Korean] [English/Korean] .......... 5% in progres
R Data Import/Export [English] [Korean] [English/Korean] .......... 20% completion (updating).

translation.ko: R Manuals Literally Translated in Korean at CRAN

	R> install.packages(pkgs="https://homepage.usask.ca/~chl948/pkg/translation.ko_x.x.x.tar.gz", 
		 type="source", method="libcurl")